
Wednesday 16 June 2010

So,the map below shows my route from London to Beijing and the dates I'll be in the places - no more detail than that at present. You've got to love google, I love google.

View My trip in a larger map


Well, this is my tentative attempt at writing a blog for the duration of my travels. I'm sure everyone must know of my plans, as I have been banging on about it for literally (yes Simon in a literal sense), for ages.

I'm not sure how much internet access I will have but I will try and write something as often as possible (or when I can be bothered!). To be honest, I'm not really sure I can put this, but I find blogs are quite boring sometimes. So apologies now to you all if I come across as a self satisfied twit. Maybe it's worth bearing in mind my internal monologue will be on overdrive while I am away and we know how dangerous that can be. Blah blah blah.